Sunday, February 12, 2012

The people involved in trail riding horses have one common passion holding them together.  Their love of horses and all things that have to do with them. Sterotypes abound , on every ride I participate in I meet new people or find out something new about someone I have known for a while. We can remember a lot about the horses we ride with also. I always associate the horse with the rider before I really get to know them. There is also a certain amount of privacy involved with trail riding that allows people to be friends and still maintain any level of anonimity. You can reveal as much or as little as you want to. Trail Riding groups have sprung up all around the area. I am presently an active member in three different groups. All of the groups have a different focus but have the horses as a common thread.

Income has no bearing on riding and owning a horse. You will find people in all income levels at almost any event you attend. I have been fascinated by the diverse backgrounds found at a large gathering. Millionaires ride next to low income , no one cares, if they made it there they are in. They all seem to have fun and forget their problems for the weekend. They are there to enjoy the horse ride.

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